First system tests and theory insigts

Building an Arduino based first laser system, and starting to test basic material's interaction with the laser system


The Apollo- Alpha prototype

After basing the theory and running some tests to verify our ideas, we build our first prototype. The Apollo was build as a primal prototype it was massive and bulky device but it functioned well and helped us plan our current prototype.


The Luximpar- functional and compact Prototype

With all our insights form the Alpha prototype, we developed the Beta, added guidance system to the laser, upgraded all the electronics ,PCB and cable management. and boxed it all up in a stable, compact and much more functional frame.


Data analysis base reading’s

After long research and data base recording we manage to build an algorithm that uses all our data base to analyse the sample that is tested.



we accomplish a complex experiment that unequivocally and unambiguously completely proven our theory and the devise's abilities
